"How Europeans can save their civilizations?"

We are living in a world where the morality of slaves governs the masses. This condition has been caused by the domination of Abrahamic religions in Europe, whose aim has been to impoverish the Hellenic and European spirit. To confront this, we must first understand their methods and how they cultivate unethical behavior.

One of their primary strategies is the promotion of materialism. Materialism has been weaponized to create weaker, more self-indulgent generations. It manifests through pornography, gluttony, excessive consumerism, and relentless advertising. These distractions divert the focus of Europeans away from their true purpose: striving for greatness and embodying higher ideals.

Another tactic is the deliberate erosion of spirituality and religious values, particularly targeting the youth. The youth represent the future, and by depriving them of spiritual depth, they are reduced to selfish, greedy, and mindless individuals. This spiritual impoverishment ensures a generation disconnected from their heritage, unprepared to rise above mediocrity, and incapable of leading Europe toward a brighter future.

Language is another weapon used against us. By altering the meanings of words, they seek to confuse people and lead them to false conclusions. A fitting example is the word "statue" (ἄγαλμα). This term has been intentionally misrepresented and falsely linked to national religions in a derogatory way. They accuse us of worshipping the material of the statue, but in truth, we venerate the ideals it embodies. The word ἄγαλμα itself derives from ἀγαλλίασις, meaning "glee" or "joy," symbolizing the elevation and delight of the soul. Far from idolizing matter, we honor the higher principles that the ἄγαλμα represents.

Anti-Europeans and globalists are attacking the very core of our identity—the civilization and history that define a nation throughout its existence. Defending our civilization is crucial, but the first step is transforming ourselves. To prevail in this spiritual war, we must improve as individuals, for we are the primary targets of this battle. The question then arises: how can we achieve greatness once more and secure victory in this spiritual struggle?

As the poet Juvenal wisely said, "mens sana in corpore sano"—a healthy mind in a healthy body. Self-improvement is not limited to reading books, meditating, performing rituals, or taking reflective walks; it also requires caring for our bodies through a healthier diet, regular exercise, quality sleep, and more. Before World War II, Adolf Hitler spoke of Hellenic virtues and their importance for the German people. While the virtues he referenced are indeed essential for achieving greatness, he himself neither practiced them nor implemented systems to enable others to embody them. I have discussed Adolf Hitler in greater detail in another article, so I will not elaborate further here.

Many great minds—such as Erasmus of Rotterdam, Thomas More, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Leonardo Bruni, Marsilio Ficino, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Lorenzo Valla, Niccolò Machiavelli, Girolamo Savonarola, Aldus Manutius, Philip Melanchthon, Giovanni Bessarion, Francisco de Sá de Miranda, Jacobus Pontanus, William Camden, Hugo Grotius, Isaac Casaubon, and Richard Bentley—have praised the importance and greatness of the Hellenic language. Their admiration for it played a key role in the Renaissance, a time when learning Hellenic was seen as essential to intellectual and cultural flourishing. It is crucial for Europeans today to follow their example and reconnect with the Hellenic language, embracing it as they did during this transformative period.

We must rise as an example for all, proving that greatness is not reserved for the fortunate but can be achieved through dedication and hardship. In a world that often seeks the easy path, we must show that true strength lies in overcoming adversity. It is our duty to share the light and truth that we have discovered, for those who have seen the path must guide others. We carry with us the powerful tools of our virtues, our unwavering morals, and the ancient wisdom passed down through generations. These are the weapons that can help us overcome the darkness and restore honor, integrity, and purpose to our world. By living according to these timeless principles, we become a beacon to those still lost in the chaos, reminding them that greatness is not only possible—it is a choice we make every day.

-Orbis Europae
