Conservatism and Paganism: Inseparable Foundations of National Heritage

Conservatism and Paganism are intertwined, and to understand why, we need to clarify these terms. There’s a lot of misinformation out there, and many people are confused. So let’s start by defining conservatism.

Understanding Conservatism

Conservatism is an ideology that emphasizes the preservation of traditions, language, values, and cultural heritage. Over time, every progressive ideology eventually becomes conservative because traditions, culture, language, values, and civilizations become deeply rooted in national consciousness. Conservatism, then, is the natural outcome of a society’s evolution—where once-radical ideas settle into the norms of daily life. This is why communism, for instance, became conservative in the Soviet Union: the ideals became part of the people’s collective identity. This process is a fundamental aspect of human nature, making conservatism as persistent as progressivism itself.

It’s essential to understand that conservatism does not reject scientific advancement or personal growth. Rather, it seeks to preserve the traditions, culture, and heritage that define a people, while still allowing room for improvement and discovery.

Understanding Paganism

The term "Paganism" originally referred to rural villagers in Latin-speaking regions but took on a negative connotation when Christianity used it to describe those who continued to practice their native religions. Labeled as “pagans,” these people were often dismissed as ignorant because they resisted Christian conversion, sometimes even under threat of violence. Today, the term "Paganism" broadly refers to those who uphold and believe in their national religions and indigenous practices. Though it may carry historical stigma from Christian contexts, for many, Paganism now represents a proud link to ancestral beliefs.

Conservatism and Paganism: A Natural Union

Both conservatism and Paganism are centered on preserving tradition, culture, language, values, and national identity. Separate them, and neither remains true to itself: Paganism loses its authenticity, and conservatism loses its foundation.

Today, conservatism is often equated with Christianity, but this is a misinterpretation. Christianity historically favored universal identities over national ones, aligning more with globalism than with the protection of distinct national cultures. Medieval Europe, for instance, was composed of kingdoms where people of various ethnicities were expected to adopt a single Christian identity rather than a national one.

This is why Paganism and conservatism naturally complement each other, and why a conservative ethos that truly honors national heritage must embrace Paganism. Conservatism, in its pure form, safeguards the unique culture of each people, and Paganism represents their spiritual foundation. To separate the two would be to weaken both, making the union of conservatism and Paganism essential to preserving authentic national identities.
