About Apoliticism.

 Apoliticism is not an answer. If we find nothing around us that truly represents our values and ideals, then it’s up to us to create it ourselves. Passively choosing not to vote or not to act for the common good, claiming ‘it’s pointless’ or that there is nothing worthy of support, is worse than any corrupt politician. If we truly desire change and a better society, we must first become people of action, embracing responsibility for shaping our world. This calls for personal dedication to knowledge, so we are capable of acting wisely and effectively. Blaming the educational system or the state alone for our disengagement will lead nowhere. In the end, those who insist on being ‘apolitical’ adopt a stance of passive indifference that not only fails to help society, but actually contributes to its decline. True improvement demands personal commitment, active involvement, and a conscious break from complacency.
