The cause.
The Cause
We are living in a time marked by chaos and a growing acceptance of extreme behaviors. In today’s society, we witness the rise of radical ideologies that divide people based on race, religion, and ideology. Certain groups are oppressed and marginalized, while others are given privileges and undue advantages because of these differences. However, when I speak of discrimination, I am not referring to the groups that leftist activists frequently champion. Instead, I am talking about the nationals, those who hold the values of their nation and its traditions sacred, and by nationals I refer to right-wing patriots, not to be confused with pagans in the derogatory sense used by critics. These nationals stand for the truth, for their cultural and spiritual heritage, and it is for this reason they are targeted by both the radical left and the far-right factions within Christianity.
Why are nationals, especially right-wing nationals, under constant attack? It’s because we stand on the side of truth. We, the nationals, are the preservers of our languages, traditions, and civilizations. Our ancestors shaped the very nations we now inhabit, forging holidays and cultural practices that have been stolen and claimed by others. The ideologies of the modern world—whether religious or political—have borrowed from the very foundations that we created, all while vilifying and distorting our beliefs. Through reason, logic, science, psychology, and historical evidence, we continue to prove that we are right in defending our ancestral ways.
The Community’s Mission
This community was created by a Hellenist who understands that only through unity can we achieve greatness. Our mission is to unite nationals from across Europe and beyond—those who hold steadfast to their cultures and civilizations in the face of forces that seek to destroy them. These forces, whether in the form of destructive religious doctrines or radical ideologies, pose an existential threat to the preservation of our national identities. I have written extensively on the dangers posed by these religions, providing clear evidence of their ultimate goals. As for the harmful ideologies, one need only turn to the daily news to see the chaos they leave in their wake.
We find ourselves in the midst of a spiritual war. The battle we face is not merely political or economic; it is a battle for the soul of our nations. Our enemies are everywhere, hidden in plain sight, and we are surrounded by traps designed to weaken us. But we have powerful allies in this spiritual war—our ancient gods and goddesses, the deities who guided our ancestors to greatness. With the goddess Viktoria, the god of the Sun, Odin, Zeus, Ra, Aengus Óg, Mars, and many others at our side, how can we fail?
The Lies and Propaganda
Lies and propaganda are the weapons of our enemies. They spread falsehoods about national religions, comparing Yahweh to the One, when in truth, their natures are completely different. They accuse us of idolatry, claiming that we worship statues rather than the powerful symbols they represent. These are only a few examples of the many lies spread against us, and while I could list many more, I will refrain from doing so here. Their smear campaign will not stop as long as we continue to resist their deception. This is why they grow furious and even violent when confronted with the truth.
A New European Union
I have spoken about the need for a new European Union before, but it is an important topic that bears repeating. This community demands the creation of a new European Union—not the bureaucratic mess we see today, but a true military and economic alliance that reflects the shared values of Europe’s nations. Many may disagree with this vision, arguing that the European identity is weak, and that their countries should not be dragged into the wars of others. But as Europeans, we share a continent, a common heritage, and values that are worth defending. When one European country is attacked, it is not only that country under threat; it is the very essence of European civilization—its values, virtues, religions, traditions, cultures, and economies—that are at stake.
In today’s globalized world, multinational corporations such as BlackRock, Temu, and Amazon wield unprecedented power, often dictating the fate of entire nations. A united Europe, both militarily and economically, is the only way to defend against such forces and safeguard our future.
Our True Cause
Finally, it is important to remember that our cause is greater than any single individual or organization. This community is not about me, nor is it about any of its members. Our cause is to restore the ancient glory of Europe and, by extension, the world. It is about reviving our national religions, which have been overshadowed by destructive ideologies and foreign beliefs. It is about building a strong economy where every citizen can own a home, find meaningful employment, and raise a family in security. Above all, it is about rediscovering a life of purpose and meaning through true education—the kind of education that the great philosophers of the past championed.
This is our cause, and these are the reasons you must join us. No other community, party, or organization will tell you what I am telling you now. If you agree with this vision, if you believe in the restoration of truth, then you must join us. Time is of the essence, and the clock is ticking fast. Every moment counts in our battle for the future.
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