Paganism for beginners. Basic things need to know.
"If you want to learn about paganism, you must see it through the eyes of pagans." This is the core message of this post. Many people are interested in history and religion, eager to learn about different traditions, and that’s something I respect. However, too often, what they learn is a distorted version—an illusion shaped by bias, misconceptions, and deliberate misrepresentation. Paganism is no exception. Those who seek to explore it often approach it with preconceived notions, shaped by the very systems that oppose it. They struggle to truly understand what it means to be pagan, what we believe, and why we walk this path. Their minds are already filled with external judgments, making it nearly impossible to grasp the worldview of a pagan on its own terms. I won’t repeat what has already been said, so at the end of this post, I’ll include links detailing how Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have actively worked against us. But before that, I want to address something even ...